Doctorant : Muath Alkadi
Laboratoire d’accueil : IJC Lab
Date de début de thèse : Octobre 2018

My PhD thesis mainly in the frame work of two parts; RF engineering and Beam dynamics of ThomX Linac.
So far, studies of longitudinal beam dynamics of the electron photo-injector for both the electron beam Energies and bunch measurements. As well as, applying analytical models for initial beam parameters calculations are included. In addition, the longitudinal tomography is being taken into account to reconstruct the beam from the final measured data using Algorithm Reconstruction Technique ART.

These studies will also be applied on the LIL Travelling wave TW linac of ThomX after the commissioning (this structure belongs to SOLEIL).
Moreover, the manufacturing process, at Research Instruments RI company in Germany, of a new dual feed accelerating structure for ThomX including a high and low temperature brazing, alignment, low RF power tests and tuning for the structure cells, power splitter test, coupler matching, vacuum test was attended as a part of my research.
This new structure is designed at LAL to replace the LIL one to reach Electron Energy of around 70 MeV.
Additionally, the high RF conditioning of this linac will also be a part of my research (not yet done).
Finally, the Electromagnetic field simulations and analysis for the dual feed are in progress.